Clear shot: Why do I need a Clear Shot?
You shoot competitions. You run around the track, targets are adorned by more Alphas and poppers fall under bullets or shot. Just a few more targets. Sweaty, tired, you strain your eyes to hit quickly and accurately and…. you see fog. Your glasses fog up and you have to shoot ‘over the barrel’. Well, let’s face it…
You’re hunting. You’re walking through the woods, an animal runs out, you line up to shoot and… where did those greasy streaks on the scope come from! Well, damn…
These are just two examples out of dozens that can be given. Fogged up glasses all year round – in winter when you enter a warmer room, in summer from steaming sweat – this is the real bane of shooters of all kinds.
Dirty optics – whether collimator or scope – make it impossible to aim properly and force you to shoot uncertainly.
You can avoid these problems with Clear Shot. A product which we have tested for a long time and which contains anti-evaporating and cleaning ingredients. Safe for eyepieces, scopes and collimators – alcohol-free.
Based on our Fast & Easy philosophy, we provide you with a complete solution to the problem of fogged up glasses or dirty optics. Along with the bottle of product, you will receive a free Riflecx cloth to wipe off any excess product after use and on the side of the bottle you have a QR code – scan it and it will direct you to our instructions on how to use Clear Shot.
Time and effort is spent on shooting and not cleaning.