In end of 2022 RifleCX enlarge assortment of products for gun cleaning assistance for our final customers. We know, how crucial is to have all best accessories to do easy, efficient and fast gun cleaning with pleasure. So we represent to you new line of our accessories products (available to order in 2023) that will help you do gun care with more pleasure and efficiency.
Universal bag for gun cleaning equipment. This bag is great! It can be used at home, shooting range and field trainings. Bag have 4 big size pockets inside, that fits any RifleCX SET and have extra space for barrel ropes, brushes, towels, googles and gloves, etc. Bag have belt for carrying on your shoulder and handle. Bag will be black color with corporate RifleCX logo.

Fast loaders. We know – what a pain is to arm 8 magazines for AR-15 in short period of time, that’s why we offering you great quality fast loaders for magazines (5.56 and 7.62). So from now you can load your ammo in fast way and help your friends with this.

Silicon mats for cleaning guns. It’s always was a problem to clean you guns and not to make mass with dirty oil and other dirt all around your table and place. For now we have a solution – great Silicon mats with integrated magnets inside (for not losing small parts). Mats isolate all liquids from going out, easy to clean and have special zones for brushes, towels, etc. Mat is black with gold and have RifleCX corporate logo. We have mats for handguns and rifles, shotguns, etc.

Gun cleaning stand. We offering great gun cleaning stand that helps you to work with your gun while you clean it. The stand folds for transport, has a flexible system of adjustment for different sizes of your weapons. Made from high strength plastic and steel.

Reusable towel. black with RifleCX gold embossing. It absorbs moisture very well and is used to remove excess moisture and for the final polishing of your weapon to bring it to a beautiful appearance. After using Gun Cleaner with Teflon and our towel, your weapon will look like new.

Brushes with copper pile. Inexpensive and good solution for safe cleaning of your weapons.

Сotton brushes for cleaning the barrel. Inexpensive and high quality brushes, come in different calibers – 5.56 / 7.62 / 9 mm and 12 GA. Using with a barrel cleaning stick.

Barrel snakes. High quality cords with integrated copper brushes. Allows you to clean the barrels of heavy dirt and helps our cleaning system to remove heavy dirt. Available in 5.45/5.56/7.62/9mm and 12GA